The easiest way to unsubscribe from
our entire database, or just one mailing list, is
to click the link at the bottom of any mailing we
send. It's automated, and the system can find the
email address you subscribed with!
(At the same place you'll find a link
to change your email address)
Please use these links if you can,
as it guarantees you'll be removed quickly and accurately,
and cuts down on our work load.
Just search your delete box for an
email from
However, if for some reason you can't
find any past emails and do not wish to wait until
you receive another email, then we are happy to
do it for you manually. Visit our support center and we'll help you out.
I know what it's like to have a company
deliberately keep you on their list or make it difficult
to get off, and I promise we're not that kind of