For 7-Figure Entrepreneurs Ready To Uplevel…
From The Desk Of David Wood
Dear Friend,
Have you written down what true life success would look like for you? Identified
exactly what’s slowing you down? And created
an action plan to bust through and make it happen, quickly?
If you’re ready to more fully live your life - not just
business but ALL of your life - then you need to read this letter.
I’m looking for an “ideal” client
who I can help to double
their business, and more importantly: double their enjoyment of life.
If you’re that client, I will personally work with you one-on-one to
help you increase profit, reduce your work hours, eliminate your tolerations,
and create your dream lifestyle.
You Pay Nothing Out of Pocket, Ever.
Here’s why.
The first thing I’m going to do for
you is get clear on the goals that
would really quickly make a difference to your life and business. These goals will help you
make more money in your business, and bring more joy to your life, immediately.
There’s no charge for this and it
only takes about 15 – 30 minutes for us to do together.
(After doing this type of thing for
20 years straight, I’ve gotten pretty good at fast results)!
We’ll then identify what’s in your
way – the obstacle responsible for you not having the exact life you want right now.
And finally, we’ll create a plan to
bridge the gap between where you are now, and Your Dream Lifestyle, in the fastest time possible. We’ll also identify
exactly what type of coaching support would most accelerate your progress and give you the fastest win. (Some people need clarity, some accountability, brainstorming,
strategies, new skills, visioning etc)
At the end of this 30 minute initial
planning session one of these two things will happen:
1. You love the vision and plan and
decide to go off and implement the plan on your own. If this is the case, I’ll wish you the best of luck and ask that you
keep in touch with me to let me know how you’re doing.
2. You love the vision and plan
and ask to become my client so I can personally help you put it into action,
keeping you on track where you’ve been de-railed in the past.
If that’s the case, and I agree we're a fit, get ready for some life-shifts, because sure
we’ll grow your business, but we’ll also grow YOU. And that’s a promise.
Think about this:
The “worst” that can happen is you “wasted” 30 minutes of your time talking about your life and
business goals.
The best
that can happen is we work together one-on-one to help you evolve to the
next level of your business, and your dream lifestyle. Which means – feeling
lit-up about your life.
And we'll create a plan to generate at least an extra $2,000 per month to cover the cost of your coaching. That’s Why This Will
Here are some possible ways our call might go:
Business: I might help you create an
inspiring vision and sense of common purpose, generate more leads and
sales, or attract key staff and have them love working with you, work
smarter, and stay for years.
You: I might help you clarify your
unique purpose, inspire and motivate those around you, find and
walk your edge, and increase your level of creativity and
self-expression in the world.
Lifestyle: I may show you how to automate
systems and delegate so you can work less, earn more, and define and live your bucket-list lifestyle. Why wait until
you’re almost dead to fully live your life!?
And like I said, there’s no
charge for this.
So Why Would I Offer It?
Two reasons:
I LOVE coaching. This type of thing is what I do best, and it makes me very,
very happy to see someone improve their entire life and be a fully
passionate, lit-up human being as a result of the help I give them. Did I say I LOVE coaching? ;-)
Secondly, it’s how I attract
top-level clients. Here’s how that works:
Assuming you love our initial
strategy session and you want me to keep supporting you with training,
strategies, accountability, brain-storming, and identifying your blind spots, you’ll
probably want to continue working together long term so we can actually implement your plan and it doesn’t all
fall by the road-side like most people’s desires. (If you're honest with yourself, you'll realize lasting change is incredible hard to create without outside support. It's possible, but slow and difficult).
If this is the case, and you’re serious
about creating lasting change instead of just talking about it - I may
invite you to become a coaching client. The “fee” is $1,997 a month, and we'll go as long as we're generating great results for you in your life and business. You’re free to stop at the end of any month if you’re not thrilled by your progress. But if you think about it, it really doesn’t “cost” you anything.
Because I expect to help make you
more than $1,997 in the first month ...and if
you keep working with me over the next 12 months, it's possible we'll more than double
your business.
You’ll see the value of the
coaching by the time we hang up the phone.
And look. If you don’t want to
become a client, don’t worry about it. You won’t get any sales pitch or
pressure from me of any kind, ever. I’ll
be happy to have served someone making a
difference in the world.
I’m a leader in
the coaching industry for a reason...
My coaching works.
Consider this:
generated millions of dollars in sales
I’ve had the privilege to
serve Columbia University, CNN, Forbes, Sony Music, Exxon, Ford, and Proctor
& Gamble, and several famous authors. And in case you’re not familiar with
my work, here’s what one thought leader has to say:
Instead, thankfully I’m blessed to
be living an amazing life somewhere between California, Bali, Sydney and Colombia, deeply grateful for my family and friends, and the privilege of riding
my cruiser, playing ultimate Frisbee, dancing salsa, and paragliding the Himalayas.
I’m fortunate enough to be serving rock-star entrepreneurs around the planet, publishing my books, and occasionally motivating large audiences. I say this not to impress you, but to impress upon you that you can have any lifestyle you choose. And I want to share something personal with you: Here’s what separates me from You could find at least a hundred
coaches in the world who could help you grow your business as well as I could or
better. And I’d trust at least a hundred coaches in the world to help you create the life, lifestyle and personal
changes you deeply desire.
But I’m that very rare breed of
coach can help you make major changes in both your life AND your business. Sure I’ve helped Fortune 50 companies in New York to improve their bottom line,
and doubling your business isn’t rocket science – it’s just proper
motivation, planning, and hard work.
Which means I can help you not only grow your business, but to help you Anyway - as you can imagine, I
can’t work with everyone.
And that’s why I need you to read
this next part carefully:
This Is NOT For Everybody. I’m VERY picky about who I’ll speak
with and I’ve got a strict (but reasonable) set of criteria that needs to be
met in order for us to proceed.
Here it is:
You have to have proven success with money already.
offer is for people have already proven successful with money and their
business, so you should be making at least seven figures annually. (Note: if you're highly coachable, and commited to making a difference in the world, I'll likely make an exception if your revenue is at least $100,000. Ask me on our call if you qualify for a Partial Scholarship). It’s far
easier for me to help you generate an extra $50,000 or $1m if you’re already
profitable, versus a startup or struggling business. 2.
You want to succeed at LIFE, not just business.
don’t work with people whose only priority in life is making more money, or people who think personal growth and development
is a waste of time. I’m happy to help you double your business – I used
to be an actuary for a Fortune 50 management consulting firm and geek out on
that stuff too - as long as you want to work on your life/lifestyle too! You’ve
realized money is great, but it’s not the end goal. And – you’ve learned
that investing in yourself and your leadership skills (your personal growth) is
one of the smartest investments you can make. In fact, few people realize that working on yourself is what actually leads to more money!
care about your level of honesty, integrity, communication, relationships, and
your conflict resolution, motivation and leadership skills.
You must be coachable.
means you’re actually willing to listen to direct feedback, especially when
your ego doesn’t want to hear it. I may be the one person in your life who tells
it to you straight, because that’s what you’re paying me for.
make time in your schedule for your sessions, show up on time, and complete the
weekly actions you commit to.
organize your life around your coaching sessions, rather than your coaching
sessions around your life.
very rare, but I recently had a client who was constantly agreeing to actions
and not doing them, so I had to fire him.)
it! Those are all my requirements.
Here’s What I Want You To Do Next
If you meet the criteria above and
would like to talk to me personally about helping you achieve extraordinary results
in your life and business, then I’ll happily set aside some time for you.
You’ll fill in an
application. Don’t worry, it’s simple and quick.
I just need to know what you want
to accomplish, how coachable you are, and so forth.
This opportunity is extremely
limited because of the one-on-one personal time required to provide you with
results. (Think about how many entrepreneurs there are out there, and I only set
aside 3 days a week for coaching).
Therefore, it is physically
impossible for me to work with more than 10-15 people at any given time.
Also, at the risk of tooting my own horn, you should realize that for twenty years there’s been a very large demand for personal one-on-one help from me. So with that said, know that the window of opportunity won’t be open long. Once I fill the few spots I have I’ll likely double my fee for a couple more high-end clients, then close this offer. Normally I required a deposit to reserve my time, but because you've been referred by a friend, we can jump straight to talking.
If you feel like this is right for you, click here to schedule our call and let’s talk.
Talk soon,
David Wood
Disclaimer: My results are far from typical. They are the result of my hard work, years of experience, and hiring the world's best coaches. The results of my clients are also far from typical; after all, they had my guidance ;-). I don't know your circumstances, your experience, your business skills and assets, commitment level, state of personal evolution, nor how coachable you are. I also don't know the future. So nothing in this letter reprepresents any claim regarding your future financial or personal results. It does, however, represent a commitment that I will do my best to help make your life better every single month and year that we work together. |